Principal's Message
I thank and remain grateful to each and every one of you for your kind co-operation, support, care and concern.
As the Principal of St Aloysius School, Bangarmau, I am delighted that the school's value align with my personal values including trust, respect, innovation and a sense of community or family. I know that the development of the school over the past few years has been significant.
The future will build as these firm foundations focusing in the quality of school life, especially for the benefit of our learners. The school curriculum will continue to be regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains appropriate to the needs of our learners
St. Aloysius School has proved this all along and engaged in building up a human society where discipline and hard work are promoted.
At the same time high moral, ethical and religious values are upheld. Today, world is changing so rapidly, children of today need a lot of diversified data as a part of their curriculum. They need to be given a wider choice of subjects and topics. we need to keep pace with rapidly changing media and technology. The future generation of our country depends on the type of methodologies we use, or values we impart to them through our education .The teaching profession due to this has become more tough and challenging. To reduce these kinds of hurdles, We the ALOYSIANS HAVE LAUNCHED A SCHOOL WEBSITE.
It's my earnest desire that parents, teachers and learners actively collaborate in achieving the standards of learning that will equip our students with the process of learning skills, in a 21st century context, through a 21st century content and achieved through 21st century tools. The Parents role is as important as teachers. I always appreciate and thank the extended ALOYSIUS family, the Parents for your wonderful co-operation and support. I also request all our Ex. Aloysius to keep in touch with your School and give your valuable suggestions and guidance to your younger Aloysius.
Fr. Bipin Bilung (Principal)
St. Aloysius School, Bangarmau