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St. Aloysius School Attendance


1. A minimum of 75% attendance is mandatory for the class along with the promotion to the next passing grades. 2. No student should leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the principal, which may be granted, on the written request of the parents. 3. No leave of the absence for the whole day or part thereof is granted except for the serious reasons and only on the previous written application of the parents or guardian.

2. A student who is irregular to classes due to feasts, marriage celebrations, trips, visits to relations, and frequent latecomers will be asked to discontinue.

3. Except for duly approved reasons no extension of vacation is permitted. Students who extend their holidays for more than seven days after vacation without the prior sanction will have their names struck off the rolls and vacancies will be filled from fresh applicants.

4. Application for medical leave for more than three days should be supported by a medical certificate by a physician of the rank of an MBBS or above. If this leave continues for more than seven days, the Principal must be contacted.

5. All leave applications should bear the signature of the parent or in their absence the guardian. Failure to bring such an application for leave may result in the expulsion of the student.

6. A student who is absent for seven consecutive working days without the prior permission of the Principal may have his/her name struck off the rolls without any notice. If re-admitted he/ she will have to pay the full admission fee and other dues for the period of absence.

7. All are expected to attend school on the re-opening day after vacation; similarly no one is allowed to leave for vacation earlier than the closing day.

1. Four Examinations i.e. 3 unit tests and a final exam are held during the year. Promotion depends on the whole year’s work.
2. Passing marks in each subject is 40%.
3. Students of Nur. and K.G. will be assessed periodically and on the basis of it they will be promoted.
4. Students should pass in all the subjects for promotion. All the subjects are compulsory.
The decision of the Principal regarding promotion is final. Promotion refused will not be reconsidered and no interview will be granted on the matter.

8. Absence from a paper excludes a student from being ranked in order of merit in the examination.

9. Students who are absent prior to the examination will not be permitted to appear for the same.

10. Any irregularity or unfair means detected during or subsequent to an examination is liable to punishment at the Principal’s discretion.

11. If a student is absent for an examination, he/she may not be permitted to appear for it at a later date. In case of illness, a ‘Medical Certificate’ has to be submitted immediately and the student’s general performance will be taken into consideration. In any case, a medical certificate is not a guarantee for granting promotion.

12. A student failing for two successive years in the same class will be asked to leave the school. Even a student who fails for the first time may have to leave, if there is no vacancy in the class in which he/she is retained.

13. A student who has not appeared for any of the examination either due to admission during the year or due to medical leave taken at one’s own risk, will not be considered for rank in class.

About St. Aloysious School

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