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St. Aloysius School Discipline


1. Punctuality and regularity in attendance, proper uniform, an earnest effort in home-work assignment and gentle behavior in and outside school are always insisted on, and in all these matters the parents/guardians co-operation is expected at all times.

2. Students who are absent on the first and last day of any term, or who are away from school for five consecutive days without permission, may have their names removed from the register, and will be readmitted only if there is a vacancy and on payment of the admission fee. In all cases of leave of absence, prior permission from the Principal should be obtained, except in casesof unforeseen circumstances, for which an authenticated reason should be furnished by the parent/guardian. However, granting of leave is entirely up to the discretion of the Principal.

3. The management reserves to itself the right to dismiss students who continually fail to make satisfactory progress in their studies or whose conduct is in any way detrimental to the orderly life of the school.

4. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The school cannot be held responsible for books, money, clothes, vehicles and other articles that are lost by the student.

5. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is prohibited. Any kind of damage done by the pupil to the school equipment, furniture, building, etc. will have to be paid for by the student. Fines may be imposed by the Principal. Playing with a ball or similar object in and around the class rooms is strictly forbidden.

6. The General Assembly is the most important part of the School day. At the first bell all must gather at the Assembly ground where they will pray in common, listen to the Principal’s talk and notices attentively and move silently to their respective class rooms.

7. During the absence of the teacher, the class prefect or monitor will be responsible for the order and discipline of the class.

8. When the students move along the corridors and when changing classes, going for games or experiments they must walk in silence and in a single line.

9. All should be particularly careful, not to throw paper, plastic, seeds, etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the basket and bins specially provided for this purpose.

10. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be made in the school and no meeting, demonstration party or picnic may be held without the previous sanction of the Principal.

11. No books (other than school text or library books) newspaper, comics or periodicals may be brought to the school premises without the Principal’s sanction.

12. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal or before the hour of dismissal.

13. Students are not allowed to visit staff rooms.

14. Every student should endeavour to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners and department. Hence for the smooth running of the school, no student should bring to school any object liable to prove a source of disturbance e.g. crackers, water-pistol, holi colours, etc.

15. No child will be permitted to bring knives or other lethal object to school. The sue of pencil sharpeners is recommended.

16. Bringing Mobile Phones to school is strictly prohibited.

17. The Principal may punish a student for habitual idleness, disobedience or misconduct, injurious to the moral tone of the school by detention after school hours or fine, suspension or dismissal without assigning any reason for his action.

18. Students are answerable to the school authorities for their conduct in and outside the school. Hence, misbehaviour in public places and conveyance justifies dismissal. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable moral behaviour and above all, discourtesy and disrespect to teachers are each a sufficient cause for dismissal.

19. On their way to and from school, students must remember that school is judged by their conduct. They should greet the teachers of the school when they meet them, it being understood, of course, that teachers return their pupils’ greetings. Thus, every pupil is urged to contribute to the high tone of the school by his manners and deportment.

20. Loitering on the way when coming to school or returning home is totally discouraged.

21. Presents/gifts to members of the staff or other demonstrations in their honour also require the Principal’s previous sanction.

22. Every pupil must take part in Physical Training and games unless declared unfit on medical grounds or exempted by the Principal.

23. The school administration is not responsible for the safety of any pupil after school hours. Necessary arrangements therefore, should be made to take the children home immediately after school. The school does not own vehicles for the transportation of the students.

About St. Aloysious School

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