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Health Education

St. Aloysius School Health Education

Health Education

No pupil will be exempted from Mass Drill and Health Education without a doctor’s certificate. Pupils must not remain in the class rooms during the recess or Drill/Health Education periods. Neatness in dress and person should be cultivated by each pupil.

Students must come to school in clean uniform, polished shoes, short hair and clean nails. Students may not be allowed to join classes if they are not in proper and clean uniform. Buying of sweets, ice-cream etc. from hawkers on the street outside the school premises is strictly forbidden.

No pupil suffering from contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted to attend the school. School maintains a First Aid Kit. If a student is hurt during school hours and is in need of medical aid besides the First Aid, such a case is immediately referred to a Doctor/Hospital.

About St. Aloysious School

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